Swedish strengths
Biogas has and will have a key role in the climate-transformation of the transportation sector. Towards this background almost all R&D efforts concerning energygas concerns aspects of biogas in relation to the transportation sector, where the demand is growing rapidly. This has made Sweden a world leader- In high-yield production of waste based biogas
- In upgrading of biogas to (vehicle) fuel quality
- In non-pipeline gas distribution
- And home to world leading supplier companies for green gas applications e.g. Biogas Systems, Bisosling, Chemrec, Greenlane Biogas, Läckeby Water, Malmberg Water, Valmet Power, MGE-teknik, Scandinavian Biogas Fuels, Swedish Biogas International etc.
In addition Sweden has leading expertise and a serious industrial commitment for R&D in the field of gasification.