We foster R&D on gas in a number of different ways, e.g. by
- Running a national Swedish joint frame program together with the Swedish Energy Agency
- Arranging foras for R&D professionals to meet, e.g. Green Gas Research Outlook Sweden (GGROS), GasAkademin summer school, IBBA Seminar, Nordic Towngas forum and the SGC International Seminar on Gasification
- Representing Sweden abroad in IEA Task 37, GERG, CEN/TC408 etc.
- Participating in joint international R&D projects
We continuously look for new projects and new partners in R&D. Being a small organization with office facilities only our part in a project has to deal with desk-top investigations not requiring e.g. a laboratory. We are interested in co-operations of various kinds, mostly within the Swedish areas of strength, but should you have another proposal we are of course interested to discuss also that. We are open for proposals on joint EU Horizon2020 projects as well as EU Interreg V projects – and of course for other co-operations projects provided there is a way to find proper funding. Read more here.