The Swedish Gas Technology centre is a limited liability company owned by six different private enterprises:

With their 30 % of the shares in SGC, E.ON Gas Sverige AB is the largest single shareholder. E.ON Gas Sverige distributes natural gas in Skåne and southern Halland and LPG in several cities in Southern Sweden and also bulk LPG. E.ON Gas Sverige is also involved in several biogas projects and a hydrogen project in Malmö. E.ON Gas Sverige looks to develop both current and new technology within the gaseous fuel area.

Energigas Sverige/Swedish Gas Association owns 20 % of the shares in SGC and is the association for companies and other affiliates which are involved in the gaseous fuel business. The road to a society based on renewable gaseous fuels is one of the key areas for the Swedish Gas Association. The board representative from the Swedish Gas Association is the chairman of SGC which is an important link to other Swedish companies not directly linked to SGC.
Swedegas AB owns 20 % of the shares in SGC. Swedegas is an infrastructure company that invests in smart energy systems. The company owns the gas grid in Sweden, which extends from Dragör in Denmark to Stenungsund in Sweden. Each year, Swedegas transports energy equivalent to 15 TWh to distributors and customers with direct connections. The gas grid supplies natural gas to 33 municipal areas and several combined heat and power plants and companies. Swedegas is currently focusing on developing the infrastructure for biogas and liquefied natural gas.

Göteborg Energi AB owns 10 % of the shares in SGC. Göteborg Energi distributes natural gas, district heating and district cooling. Town gas in Gothenburg recently celebrated 150 years of operation and from these experiences todays natural gas grid has been developed and Göteborg Energi is distributing natural gas to the industry and for other purposes.

Kraftringen AB (publ) owns 10 % of the shares in SGC. The company was early involved in the development of the Swedish natural gas business. Today, the company includes sales, production and distribution of electricity, distribution and sales of natural gas, sales, production and distribution of district heating and cooling, communication, lightning and more. Kraftringen take responsibility for an efficient and environmentally friendly utilisation of natural resources in order to promote a sustainable growth. The Örtofta power plant being built outside Eslöv will be fired by forrest waste, returned wood and torf and will decrease the carbon dioxide emissions by 205 000 ton annually.

Öresundskraft AB owns 10 % of the shares in SGC and is a complete actor on the market for natural gas. With a vision on providing energy for a better world and power to the region we put high demands on ourselves. Our environmental footprint should decrease and we have already come a fair way in this direction. The turn to biofuels has decreased our carbon dioxide emissions by 300 000 ton annually. Vehicle gas in the city buses has improved the air for the citizens in Helsingborg and we also welcome the introduction of electrically powered cars. Our new power plant will make district heating and electricity from waste. In Helsingbor we work for the development of a lively Öresund region 450 employees ensures that our 260 000 customers ge the services they need.